martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

Christmas in summer

Today I found my self remembering when I first went to live to Spain, when the first Christmas was approaching.  People was amazed about Christmas in summer here in the south... ha ha, and it was so normal for me! Well, normal...we should ask Santa how it feels to have such a warm coat with such a hot here. I´ve thought about all this when I saw the Christmas tree almost through my lemonade (yes, lemonade and the Christmas tree can be good friends here!). So, it really doesn´t matter if it´s summer or winter, is Christmas and that´s it! 
By the way, I´m working really hard this week, there are pieces of thread and fabric all over the studio, and all over my pants and t-shirt...this is really a mess, but a happy one! 
Hope you are having a great week, keep warm if you are in the north, and have some lemonade if you are here in the south :-)

5 comentarios:

  1. Oh, Maria…your home is like you…a ray of bright cheerfulness! I love that Santa gets lemonade :)…here…he's served milk and cookies by the fireplace :)!

  2. Ha ha! Yes! I can relate! Christmas for us is eating watermelon and swimming!


  3. Oh, thanks, Friends! I have more lemonade just in case you want to come visit! :-) xoxo


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