miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Hi, there!!

Hi, Folks! 
There´s been a while since my last post, we´d been pretty busy here! 
I´ve made and listed some new bags in the shop, and there are some still waiting to be listed! 
We´ve had four days of holiday last week here in Chile, so the week was really short with so much rush. I´ve also gone to a zone in the city where there are so many shops selling sewing supplies. They have everything you can imagine for sewing, and I´ve bought some new thread to try how it goes with the bags. It went so incredibly well! I´m wondering now how could I use something different before :-) 
Here you have some pics from the studio last week, and also some from our weekend ride. 
See you soon!!

To my Spanish speaking friends: the blog and shop will be translated into Spanish soon, a little more of patience, please!! :-)
Para mis amigos hispano-parlantes: pronto traduciré el blog y la tienda al español! Un poquito mas de paciencia por favor! :) Gracias!






1. linings with new fabric, just cutted and ready to be sewn. 
2. bags and their linings ready to be attached in my messy studio.
3. new thread for the shop. is really strong and will give more strength to my bags.
4. those orange flowers were everywhere (meant everywhere) in our weekend ride. orange has never been my favourite color, but there it looked really nice...
5. people having fun in a little town.
6. that cart you can see there, was there selling some food... and the name "el carrito comilón" means "the glutton cart" in Spanish, so fun!
7. nice landscape so close to the city.
8. new limited edition bag in the shop.
9. new waxed canvas tote in the shop. yes, the sweater has been also knitted by me! :)

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