jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Etsy Front Page!

Hi, all!! Just a few words to tell you that I´ve been FP (front page) on Etsy three times in the last 10 days, I´m amazed!! I´m in four teams on Etsy, and I couldn´t been totally happy because of being FP until today with Delightful Team, so woo-hoo!! I´ve been FP with all my dear teams in these last 10 days! 

Here you can see pics of the FPs and a link to each of them (below the picture), so if you want to take a look you can go from the Treasury to the specific item you have liked :) Hope you enjoy all those beautiful items and shops!! xoxo

1. Winter greens, FP with Delightful Team and Just Good Treasuries Team. 

2. Christmas in blue, FP with Team Harmony and Just Good Treasuries

3. Stocking for Christmas, FP with ImTeam

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